Amy was my cousin. Our family was/is very close. We miss her dearly.
Words don’t come easy when they’re this late
They get a little heavier with their weight
Death does that I suppose
But for what their worth, here it goes
I will start by saying that I love you
I never really said it, because I thought you knew
But I wonder now cause, well, you are not here
And so maybe I’m to blame, or so I fear
It hurts like hell, to think of you
To think of the pain that you went through
To think that our love was not enough
Or that it could not overcome the rough stuff
I struggle with that, because our love was deep
So much so that we all still weep
I struggle because I thought you knew
That our love was strong enough to carry you through
It was, and is, and always will be
The pain comes in the fact that you could not see
In that moment that our love was real and true
And powerful enough to heal what was broke in you
Love heals, but I guess you know that better than I
I reckon you see things more clearly after you die
I trust you see what you could not before
Our love, His love, and much, much more
And if you could grant me one final prayer
Help us see what you see there
The truth that death does not get the final say
That though tears are real, they get wiped away
That though pain stings and breaks our soul
That God takes broken things and re –makes them whole
That though we miss you now while you’re gone
After death’s dark night is God’s new dawn.
I will see you on that morning.
– Dan
Dan, this is beautiful. It really is. While it conveys your sadness and confusion over it all, you also see Hope.
I see you’ve been blogging more lately 🙂 that’s good.
Dan, I am touched and made sad by this poem. I can only guess at who Amy is (was?). I am sad for your grief so eloquently conveyed here. Thanks very much for writing this.